Original Xbox Games Playable On Xbox Series X & Xbox One However, there is a large list of titles which will run fine on either the Xbox One or the upcoming Xbox Series X, and the full list of backwards compatible games has been included below. According to Eurogamer, " both downloadable and disc-based Xbox 360 and original Xbox games work on Xbox One and Xbox Series X," but only on a game-by-game basis, meaning not every single retro Xbox game will work on Microsoft's newest console. With the Xbox Series X (and the Xbox One) players don't just have new games to look forward to in the coming months, but also a massive back catalog accessible though the console's backwards compatibility functions. Related: Xbox Series X Launch Date and Price Details Seem Imminent Thankfully, the company is not expecting any delays with its production despite the current ongoing global situation, and players have already begun to receive video footage from next-gen Xbox games like The Ascent. Until the Xbox Series X arrives, people looking to jump into another game right this minute have a LOT of options. However, one things players don't yet know for sure is just when inside the Holiday 2020 release window Microsoft will make the Xbox Series X available to purchase, or how expensive it will be. Microsoft is planning to release the newest version of their Xbox line of video game consoles later in 2020 during the holiday season and, in contrast to the slow reveal of information from Sony about their upcoming PlayStation 5, players already have a good bit of information about just what exactly the new Xbox Series X is bringing to the table. The company is taking the feedback from its gamers when making selections for backwards compatibility, but it's worth keeping in mind that Microsoft has stated that the availability of these games is subject to change - so the list can be altered, shortened, or lengthened at the company's discretion.There are a lot of games from previous console generations which will be backwards compatible with the Xbox Series Xand currently are playable on the Xbox One. While Microsoft has released this giant list, there are always new games being added and updated. The full list can be found below, in alphabetical order. Currently, there are over 400 games that are backwards compatible with the Xbox One.